Provide a brief summary differentiating conservation and preservation. Do you believe that humans can harvest forest resources in an environmentally friendly way? Or, should national forests be left in their natural state in which resources are not used to benefit humans? To which side are you inclined?
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I believe that national forests should be left in their natural state in which resources are not to benefit humans. This all goes back to my worldview which is in between the two extremes. There has to be a happy medium between raping every inch of the earth of its natural resources and preserving these resources as well.
Conservation is the act of conserving plants, animals, and their habitats. Natural resources like trees, water, wildlife, and minerals are used to benefit society but are managed so they are not consumed faster then they can be replaced. On the other hand, preservation is the process of maintaining the earth's resources in its natural state, free of human destruction. During this process, the earth's natural resources are untouched all together.
In relation to the Bridger Teton video, there is much to be preserved at Bridger Teton, but the country is facing an energy crisis. According to the narrator, every forest is special to someone so nothing will ever be done about the current energy problems. In times of crises, we need to practice conservation and not preservation. So therefore there would be a happy medium. This medium would be preserving resources that are not need at the time, and only using them in times of serious need like in the video.
Conservation is the act of conserving plants, animals, and their habitats. Natural resources like trees, water, wildlife, and minerals are used to benefit society but are managed so they are not consumed faster then they can be replaced. On the other hand, preservation is the process of maintaining the earth's resources in its natural state, free of human destruction. During this process, the earth's natural resources are untouched all together.
In relation to the Bridger Teton video, there is much to be preserved at Bridger Teton, but the country is facing an energy crisis. According to the narrator, every forest is special to someone so nothing will ever be done about the current energy problems. In times of crises, we need to practice conservation and not preservation. So therefore there would be a happy medium. This medium would be preserving resources that are not need at the time, and only using them in times of serious need like in the video.