Prove using evidence from the text that men aboard the ship are excited that they have finally arrived to San Francisco. By the Great Horn Spoon Chapter 7

1 answer

In Chapter 7 of "By the Great Horn Spoon," there is evidence that the men aboard the ship are excited about finally arriving in San Francisco.

1. "A shout of pure delight arose from the men on the ship. All those shining lights below them - surely this was San Francisco!" (Chapter 7) - This quote explicitly mentions that the men on the ship are shouting with delight upon seeing the lights of San Francisco, indicating their excitement.

2. "The sailors picked up the cannon, the gleaming barrels feeling light in their hands. This was the shells!" (Chapter 7) - This quote suggests that the sailors are eagerly preparing the cannon with anticipation. Their sense of urgency and enthusiasm implies excitement about their arrival.

3. "Now, as a city they had become accustomed to from the sea for so long, San Francisco lay before them." (Chapter 7) - This statement implies that the men have been eagerly anticipating their arrival in San Francisco. The fact that they have become accustomed to seeing it from the sea suggests an eagerness and excitement to finally reach their destination.

Overall, these various pieces of evidence from Chapter 7 of "By the Great Horn Spoon" demonstrate that the men aboard the ship are excited that they have finally arrived in San Francisco.