tame = time? form = from? and = as? it's = its? 3 = sqrt3 ?
Please be more careful with your spelling; otherwise your questions cannot be deciphered.
I shall assume this is your question:
<Prove that the time taken when a ball is thrown is 3 times higher when thrown at 60 degrees compared to its previous angle when thrwn at an angle of 30 degrees.>
If you change the launch angle of a throw from 30 to 60 degrees (measured from horizontal) and keep the initial speed the same, the vertical component of velocity, increases by a ratio sin 60/sin 30 = sqrt 3.
The time T spent aloft is proportional to Vy. g(T/2) = Vy
Therefore the time-increase factor is NOT three. Did you also omit a square root sign?
prove the tame taken when a ball is thrown 3 times high and form 60 degree from it's previouse degree of 30 degree
1 answer