Pros and Cons Evaluation - Evaluate one advantage and one disadvantage of the investigative team's actions in the movie. Provide reasons why the team should be praised for certain aspects (Pros) and reprimanded for others (Cons) in their investigative task.

1 answer

One advantage of the investigative team's actions in the movie is their determination and persistence in uncovering the truth. Throughout the film, the team is shown tirelessly following leads, conducting interviews, and analyzing evidence in order to solve the case. This dedication ultimately leads them to unravel the mystery and bring the culprit to justice. Their commitment to the investigation demonstrates their professionalism and unwavering pursuit of justice.

On the other hand, one disadvantage of the investigative team's actions is their tunnel vision and reluctance to consider alternative theories or suspects. The team becomes fixated on a particular suspect early on in the investigation, overlooking other possibilities and dismissing contradictory evidence. This narrow focus hinders their ability to fully explore all avenues and potentially leads them astray in their pursuit of the truth. By failing to remain open-minded and consider all possibilities, the team risks overlooking important clues that could have helped them solve the case more effectively.

Overall, while the investigative team should be praised for their dedication and perseverance, they should also be reprimanded for their tunnel vision and lack of flexibility in considering alternative theories. It is important for investigators to remain open-minded and thorough in their approach in order to ensure a successful resolution to the case.