Home Lab Observations: Celery in Colored Water
Introduction: In this fun experiment, I placed two cups with celery sticks in colored water to see how the colors would travel up the celery. Cup 1 has blue water, and Cup 2 has red water. I will observe and record what happens every ten minutes for 30 minutes.
Time: 0 minutes
- Cup 1 (Blue): The celery stick is bright green and sitting in the blue water. No color change observed yet.
- Cup 2 (Red): The celery stick is also bright green and in the red water. No color change observed yet.
Time: 10 minutes
- Cup 1 (Blue): I can see a little bit of the blue color starting to travel up the celery stick, especially in the leaves. They look a bit blueish!
- Cup 2 (Red): The red color is slowly moving up the celery. The leaves at the top are starting to look slightly red.
Time: 20 minutes
- Cup 1 (Blue): The blue color has moved even further up the celery! The leaves are a deeper blue now, and the celery stem is starting to show a bit of blue too.
- Cup 2 (Red): The red color is really noticeable now. The leaves are almost fully red, and the stem is turning a reddish hue.
Time: 30 minutes
- Cup 1 (Blue): The entire celery stick has turned a vibrant blue! Even the leaves are fully blue. It looks super cool!
- Cup 2 (Red): The celery is completely red. The leaves are bright red, and the stem has absorbed a lot of the color too.
After 30 minutes, I observed that the celery absorbed the colored water from both cups. Cup 1 (blue) and Cup 2 (red) showed significant color changes. This experiment demonstrates how plants can take in water (and color!) through their stems. It was a fun way to see how plants can “drink” and change color!
I learned that celery is very good at taking in colored water, which helped me see how water moves in plants. I wonder if other vegetables would behave the same way!