Proofread the passage and identify spelling errors and improper use of punctuation.

The world today is filled with advertisements. We see them on TV, in the newspaper, on the Internet, and in our surroundings. The advertising industry effects the way we look at and judge people around us. Catchy taglines and trendy jingles infleuence our choices on a daily basis. We constantly change our lifestyles depending on the current trends. We feel compelled to buy products, that keep popping up on our screens. We struggle to keep up in a race for getting the newest or most popular product.

2 answers

1. "Internet" should possibly be lowercase, but it could go either way, because both the capitalized form and the lowercase form are common and correct. I'm not sure which one your school prefers.
2. "The advertising industry effects" should be "The advertising industry affects". Affect is when someone/something is causing a change, Effect is the result of that change.
3. Remove the comma in "We feel compelled to buy products, that keep popping up on our screens." The sentence doesn't need one.
4. I'd rephrase the last sentence to be "We struggle to keep up in a race to get the newest or most populat product," but I don't know if that's what your school wants.

Fair warning that I have not done this assessment and I can't be 100% sure that I'm correct. These are just corrections I'd suggest as someone with a very good track record in English. Take my advice with a grain of salt, and if someone who knows the listed answers comes along, listen to them instead. The only edits I can guarantee are necessary are 2 and 3.
*popular, not populat, whoops. The intended edit there was just "to get" instead of "for getting."