pronoun antecedent agreement

how can you rephrase this sentences into a more meaningful one. I really need this. Thank you for your help. :)

1. Before she could to her mother, she fainted.
2. Pamela bought a bracelet for her sister which she liked very much.
3. The dog crossed the street; it was very muddy.
4. Ely first saw her mother when she was twenty years old.
5. Hilda spoke to Eloisa about her mother's illness.
6. He was unhealthy as a child, and it stayed with him all his life.
7. Jesse told Arthur about the subjects he should study.
8. There were some entertaining numbers on the program and we enjoyed it.
9. The alumni asked Mr. and Mrs. Cortez to attend the dinner at their expense.
10. The bird flew at the top of the tree at which Ben threw a stone.


2 answers

I'll fix a couple of them, and then you work on the rest. When you finish, be sure to post what you have written and someone here will be happy to check your sentences for you.

4. When Ely was twenty years old, she saw her mother for the first time.

9. The alumni asked Mr. and Mrs. Cortez to attend the dinner paid for by the alumni association.
8. We enjoyed some entertaining numbers on the program.