Prompt the user for the inner and outer diameter and thickness of the washer to be entered in cm. Then prompt for the material density in grams per cubic cm (g/cm^3) and the number of washers in the batch. Finally, print out the expected weight in kg. Make sure that 3 digits after the decimal are always displayed for your results.

When executed, it should say:
Welcome to the Washer Weight Batch Program.
Please enter the following washer information.

Inner diameter in cm: 1.2
Outer diameter in cm: 2.4
Thickness in cm: 0.1
Material density in g/cm^3: 7.87
Quantity in batch: 1000

The expected weight of the washer batch is 2.670 kg.

2 answers

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Are you having a problem with the code you have written?
I am not exactly sure what directives I should use. I have the stdio.h and have defined pi.

Also I am not sure of the correct terms to float such as the inner and outer diameter and the thickness.