
“ABC 7 News has reached out to you for their segment on “Teen Scene.” Who better to get the inside scoop from than someone who’s living it? The ABC 7 news team has asked you to find and research a common question asked by teens regarding mental and emotional health, overall wellness, or personal health (choose one).”

You will create a project (storify, poster, pamphlet, video, page, etc.) to make the public aware of what teens are curious about and what resources they use when they need information regarding their health.

You must provide 7 resources that teens would use. 5 should be valid and reliable sources and 2 should be resources that are not valid or reliable (you may provide more resources). Your project should follow the below outline:

Step 1: Identify your Question
Step 2: Locate Accessible Resources (min. of 7) that teens should use
Step 3: Analyze each for Validity (using info. from the unit)
Step 4: Analyze each for Reliability (using info from the unit)
Step 5: Briefly explain why each resource is valid and reliable or is not
Step 6: Determine the best Answer to the question
Step 7: Reflect on your Answer and how this information will help teens
Dr. Rodriguez's Example Here

Be sure to:
Choose a creative title for your project and provide an introduction of the topic/question being addressed

Use various sources ex. YouTube, images, Twitter, organizations, blogs, websites, interviews, etc.

Your project should apply to a teen audience, explaining the above outline in such a way that is engaging and informative.

1 answer

Title: Navigating Teen Wellness: The Inside Scoop on Mental and Emotional Health

Introduction: As a teen, it's perfectly normal to have questions and concerns about your mental and emotional health. With so much information available online, it can be overwhelming to know where to turn for reliable and accurate answers. That's why we've compiled a list of resources that teens commonly use to get the inside scoop on their wellness. Let's dive in!

Step 1: Identify your Question
- How can I take care of my mental and emotional health as a teenager?

Step 2: Locate Accessible Resources
1. National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) website
2. TeenHealthFX website
3. Crisis Text Line
4. Headspace app
5. Seventeen magazine's online section on mental health
6. Random Tumblr blog
7. Unknown Instagram influencer promoting wellness products

Step 3: Analyze for Validity
- NAMI: Valid, as it is a reputable organization specializing in mental health.
- TeenHealthFX: Valid, as it is a website run by medical professionals.
- Crisis Text Line: Valid, as it is a crisis intervention service with trained counselors.
- Headspace app: Valid, as it offers guided meditation and mindfulness practices.
- Seventeen magazine: Not valid, as it may not always provide accurate medical information.
- Random Tumblr blog: Not valid, as it may contain subjective and unverified content.
- Unknown Instagram influencer: Not valid, as they may lack expertise in mental health.

Step 4: Analyze for Reliability
- NAMI: Reliable, as it is evidence-based and reviewed by experts.
- TeenHealthFX: Reliable, as it is backed by medical research and professionals.
- Crisis Text Line: Reliable, as it offers 24/7 support from trained counselors.
- Headspace app: Reliable, as it uses evidence-based practices for mental wellness.
- Seventeen magazine: Not reliable, as it may prioritize entertainment over accuracy.
- Random Tumblr blog: Not reliable, as it may lack fact-checking and expert input.
- Unknown Instagram influencer: Not reliable, as they may have conflicting interests in promoting products.

Step 5: Explanation of Validity and Reliability
- Valid and reliable sources provide accurate and evidence-based information on mental health, while invalid and unreliable sources may lack expertise and credibility.

Step 6: Determine the best Answer
- The best answer to the question of how to take care of your mental and emotional health as a teenager is to seek guidance from reputable organizations like NAMI, TeenHealthFX, and Crisis Text Line. Utilizing evidence-based resources like the Headspace app can also be beneficial.

Step 7: Reflection
- Providing teens with access to valid and reliable resources on mental and emotional health empowers them to make informed decisions and prioritize their wellness. By using evidence-backed information, teens can take control of their mental health journey and seek help when needed.

By utilizing these resources, teens can navigate their wellness with confidence and knowledge, ultimately leading to a healthier and happier life.