Promotion time is coming around the corner. In the last board meeting, your supervisor has asked someone to create a list of tables for a Fernandos Skate Shop customer orders. Use the following preliminary field list and list of subjects to get started. Realize that the lists are incomplete, and you may need to add more information as necessary by inferring data from what you know about the case. Be sure to : 1. Provide a rationale as to why you add information. 2. Be as detailed as possible in explaining your choices. 3. Describe the steps you take to complete the list. 4. Prepare your final table list and your rationale.
Preliminary Field List List of Subjects
Skateboard model Customers
Description Products
Accessories Suppliers
Wheel type Orders
Bearing type Accessories
Product number Event
Quantity Price
Supplier Name
Supplier Contact
Customer Name
Item total
Grand total
Event location
Event Description
Event date
I am so lost I don't understand the table and list concept, nor the rationale can someone please explain to me what to do, I am in desperate need I have to turn this in by Sunday 5/13/2012