1. Entities and their attributes:
- University (entity): Name, Location, Number of Students
- Student (entity): Name, ID, Major, Grade, Email
- Cafe (entity): Name, Location, Opening Hours, Menu
- Order (entity): Order ID, Student ID, Cafe Name, Order Date
- Menu Item (entity): Item ID, Item Name, Item Price
- Staff (entity): Staff ID, Name, Position, Email
2. Degree of their relationship:
- University has a relationship with Student (1 to many: a university can have multiple students)
- Student has a relationship with University (many to 1: a student can attend only one university)
- Student has a relationship with Order (1 to many: a student can place multiple orders)
- Order has a relationship with Student (many to 1: an order is placed by only one student)
- Order has a relationship with Cafe (many to 1: an order is placed at only one cafe)
- Cafe has a relationship with Order (1 to many: a cafe can have multiple orders)
- Cafe has a relationship with Menu Item (1 to many: a cafe can have multiple menu items)
- Menu Item has a relationship with Cafe (many to 1: a menu item belongs to only one cafe)
- Staff has a relationship with Cafe (1 to many: a staff member can work at multiple cafes)
- Cafe has a relationship with Staff (many to 1: a cafe can have multiple staff members)
3. Cardinalities:
- University entity cardinality: 1
- Student entity cardinality: Many
- Cafe entity cardinality: Many
- Order entity cardinality: Many
- Menu Item entity cardinality: Many
- Staff entity cardinality: Many
project university student cafe.
1. Identify the entities and their attributes
2. Identify the degree of their relationship
3. Identify their cardinalities
1 answer