Procedure of sodium bicarbonate ear drops

1 answer

1. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling the bottle of sodium bicarbonate ear drops.

2. Shake the bottle well before using to ensure the solution is mixed properly.

3. Lie down on your side with the affected ear facing up.

4. Gently pull back your outer ear to open up the ear canal.

5. Hold the bottle of sodium bicarbonate drops over the ear canal and carefully drip the recommended number of drops into the ear. Follow the instructions provided by your healthcare provider or on the label of the bottle.

6. Keep your head tilted for a few minutes to allow the drops to penetrate into the ear canal.

7. Place a cotton ball at the opening of the ear to prevent the solution from draining out.

8. Remain in the same position for several minutes to allow the drops to soften and loosen any earwax buildup.

9. After a few minutes, sit up and gently wipe away any excess solution that may have dripped out of the ear.

10. Repeat the procedure in the other ear if necessary.

11. Dispose of the cotton ball and wash your hands thoroughly after using the sodium bicarbonate ear drops.

12. Store the bottle in a cool, dry place and out of reach of children.

Consult your healthcare provider if you experience any adverse reactions or if your symptoms persist after using the sodium bicarbonate ear drops.