Procedure of blood pressure measurement?

1 answer

1. Sit the person down comfortably in a chair with their back supported and feet flat on the ground. Make sure their arm is at heart level.

2. Choose the appropriate cuff size for the person's arm and place it around their bare upper arm, just above the elbow. The bottom edge of the cuff should be about 1-2 inches above the elbow crease.

3. Locate the person's pulse on the inside of their elbow crease and place the stethoscope bell over it. Inflate the cuff by squeezing the bulb or pressing the button until it reads about 30 mmHg higher than the person's expected systolic pressure.

4. Slowly release the pressure from the cuff by turning the valve or releasing the button. Listen for the first beat (systolic pressure) and note the reading on the pressure gauge. Continue to slowly release the pressure until the last beat (diastolic pressure) is heard and note that reading as well.

5. Record the blood pressure reading as systolic pressure over diastolic pressure (e.g. 120/80 mmHg).

6. Wait 1-2 minutes before taking another blood pressure reading to allow the blood vessels to relax.

7. Repeat the measurement if necessary to confirm the accuracy of the reading.

8. Document the blood pressure reading in the person's medical records.

9. Provide the person with their blood pressure reading and discuss any concerns or necessary follow-up steps with them.