Problem - What's the difference between reflection and refraction?

hypothesis - !?!?!?!?

please helP!!!

3 answers

i understand that you don't get this question but let me explain it to you

do today my science teacher was showing us some experiments about reflections and refractions and we were suppose to take notes (which i did)

so here's an example

we roll a paper, look inside the paper through the hole and then we bring our hand on the side

can you see a hole in your hand?

another one is when she put a pencil in a beaker

inside the beaker we see the pencil bigger but looks broken so it's refraction

i to create a lab base on what we saw today

the thing is that i have NO IDEA to write for my hypothesis

the problem is what's the difference between reflection and refraction?
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz helppppp