draw a line, marking off the times of
8:00 am, 10:00 am, and noon (12:00)
"At 12 noon, Leslie recorded the temperature as 56 degree Fahrenheit"
----> put 56 over 12:00
"The temperature had increased by 8 degree Fahrenheit from 10 a.m. "
---> what is 56-8 ?
put 48 over 10:00
"The temperature had increased by 8 degree Fahrenheit from 10 a.m. "
--- put 50 over 8:00
All done
Problem Solving: Work Backward
At 12 noon, Leslie recorded the temperature as 56 degree Fahrenheit. The temperature had increased by 8 degree Fahrenheit from 10 a.m. The temperature at 8 a.m. was 2 degree Fahrenheit warmer than it was at 10 a.m. What was the temperature at 8 a.m.
2 answers
62 F