Problem description
Marie distributes toys for toddlers. She makes visits to households and gives away one toy only on visits for which the door is answered and a toddler is in residence. On any visit, the probability of the door being answered is 3/4, and the probability that there is a toddler in residence is 1/3. Assume that the events “Door answered" and “Toddler in residence" are independent and also that events related to different households are independent.
find out the probability for below 2 scenarios
1) We will say that Marie “needs a new supply"" immediately after the visit on which she gives away her last toy. If she starts out with three toys, what is the probability that she completes at least five visits before she needs a new supply?
2) If she starts out with exactly six toys, what is the expected value of the number of houses with toddlers that Marie visits without leaving any toys (because the door was not answered) before she needs a new supply?