Primary/Secondary Source Activity

Match the examples below to the primary or secondary research.

Tommy Filfiger sends out a survey to past purchases of it's clothing. Secondary source or primary source?

Gucci conducts a focus group interview regarding custromer attitudes towards its new minimizer handbag. Secondary source or primary source?

An aspiring entrepreneur studies the U.S. Census to obtain information on single heads of households in Phoenix, Arizona. Secondary source or primary source?

To measure the the results of a promotional tie-in, Burger King records the number of used ticket stubs turned in from the local hockey team. Secondary source or primary source?

When forcasting this years summer sales, a heating and air conditioning firm reviews last years sales for the months of June and August. Secondary source or primary source?

A company uses its own existing database to send out a preferred customer sale announcement. Secondary source or primary source?

A local mall conducts personal interviews with customers on Saturday morning. Secondary source or primary source?

When developing new toys, a toy manufacturer creates a room for observing children playing with toys. Secondary source or primary source?

To determine customer satisfaction , Macy's places a self- addressed survey card with all customer purchases. Secondary source or primary source?

Macy's uses the research from a New York Times aricle to trakc retail sales data for apparel, jewelry, and furniture. Secondary source or primary source?

A local Pike Nurseries store owner purchases demographic data regarding population, housing, education, and income from DATA Marketing Systems, a business information company. Secondary source or primary source?

McDonald's gives out a free breakfast sandwich for each customer questionnaire that is returend by March 31. Secondary source or primary source?

1 answer

Tommy Filfiger sends out a survey to past purchases of its clothing - Primary source

Gucci conducts a focus group interview regarding customer attitudes towards its new minimizer handbag - Primary source

An aspiring entrepreneur studies the U.S. Census to obtain information on single heads of households in Phoenix, Arizona - Secondary source

To measure the results of a promotional tie-in, Burger King records the number of used ticket stubs turned in from the local hockey team - Primary source

When forecasting this year's summer sales, a heating and air conditioning firm reviews last year's sales for the months of June and August - Primary source

A company uses its own existing database to send out a preferred customer sale announcement - Primary source

A local mall conducts personal interviews with customers on Saturday morning - Primary source

When developing new toys, a toy manufacturer creates a room for observing children playing with toys - Primary source

To determine customer satisfaction, Macy's places a self-addressed survey card with all customer purchases - Primary source

Macy's uses the research from a New York Times article to track retail sales data for apparel, jewelry, and furniture - Secondary source

A local Pike Nurseries store owner purchases demographic data regarding population, housing, education, and income from DATA Marketing Systems, a business information company - Secondary source

McDonald's gives out a free breakfast sandwich for each customer questionnaire that is returned by March 31 - Primary source