Primary/Secondary Source Activity

Match the examples below to the primary or secondary research.

To measure the the results of a promotional tie-in, Burger King records the number of used ticket stubs turned in from the local hockey team. Secondary source or primary source?

A company uses its own existing database to send out a preferred customer sale announcement. Secondary source or primary source?

To determine customer satisfaction , Macy's places a self- addressed survey card with all customer purchases. Secondary source or primary source?

Macy's uses the research from a New York Times aricle to trakc retail sales data for apparel, jewelry, and furniture. Secondary source or primary source?

A local Pike Nurseries store owner purchases demographic data regarding population, housing, education, and income from DATA Marketing Systems, a business information company. Secondary source or primary source?

1 answer

To measure the results of a promotional tie-in, Burger King records the number of used ticket stubs turned in from the local hockey team. - Primary source

A company uses its own existing database to send out a preferred customer sale announcement. - Primary source

To determine customer satisfaction, Macy's places a self-addressed survey card with all customer purchases. - Primary source

Macy's uses the research from a New York Times article to track retail sales data for apparel, jewelry, and furniture. - Secondary source

A local Pike Nurseries store owner purchases demographic data regarding population, housing, education, and income from DATA Marketing Systems, a business information company. - Secondary source