One time when deciding in advance helped me deal with a tough situation was when I was invited to a party where I knew there would be drugs and alcohol present. I had made the decision beforehand that I would not engage in any substance use, as I did not want to compromise my values and risk my own safety.
As the party went on, many people around me started indulging in alcohol and drugs, offering me drinks and pills. It would have been easy to give in to the pressure and join in, but because I had already made the decision in advance not to partake, it was easier for me to politely decline and stick to my choice.
I felt empowered by my decision and had a sense of inner peace knowing that I was staying true to myself. I was able to enjoy the party and have a good time without feeling tempted or pressured to do something that I was not comfortable with.
In retrospect, deciding in advance not to partake in substance use was a wise choice that helped me navigate through a potentially tough situation with ease. It also reinforced the importance of setting boundaries and sticking to them, even in the face of pressure from others.
Pressure to do something is easier to cope with if you decide in advance what you will or won't do. Write about a time when deciding in advance helped you, or would have helped you, deal with a tough situation.
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