President George Washington’s Farewell Address
Use the box below to write down any words and definitions/synonyms (or translations) you need to look up.(Write more on a separate sheet of paper if necessary. 5 points)
What event or decision leads to George Washington giving this speech? (What information does he give about himself and his future plans in the first paragraph?) (5 points)
According to the second paragraph, what does Washington think Americans should value and protect? (5 points)
What does Washington warn in the third paragraph could lead to despotism? And how does he say governments could avoid the drift toward despotism? (5 points)
What does Washington believe about the pros and cons of foreign influence? (5 points)
President Franklin Roosevelt’s State of the Union Address - 1941
Use the box below to write down any words and definitions/synonyms (or translations) you need to look up.(Again, write more on a separate sheet of paper if necessary. 5 points)
What does Franklin Roosevelt cite in the second paragraph as something to be thankful for? (5 points)
How doesRoosevelt discuss “isolation” in the fourth paragraph? Which literary device does he use? Does he view isolation as a good or bad thing? (5 points)
At the end of page 1 and the beginning of page 2, what are some problems Roosevelt says the fall of another democracy could cause for the United States? (5 points)
At the bottom of page 4 and top of page 5, how does Roosevelt reject accusations that giving weapons to other countries is wrong? (5 points)
Compare in Constructed Responses
How do Roosevelt and Washington depict the role of the United States in foreign relations? What is similar or different? Explain. Answer as a constructed response using the RACES strategy. (25 points)
Which president’s speech feels more powerful to you? Why does that speech “speak to you” more? Think critically about your own opinions and about the president’s persuasive techniques? Answer as a constructed response using the RACES strategy. (25 points)
* Continue on your own paper if you need more space.
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