The doctrine of common grace refers to the idea that God extends his grace and goodness to all of humanity, regardless of their belief or relationship with him. It is a theological concept that acknowledges God's benevolent treatment of humankind, in terms of providing physical provisions, temporal blessings, and restraining the full manifestation of evil in the world.
General revelation refers to the idea that God reveals aspects of his truth and existence to all people through nature, conscience, and reason. It is believed that through the observation of the natural world and human conscience, individuals can attain some knowledge about God's existence and attributes. General revelation is contrasted with special revelation, which refers to God's communication of himself through specific means such as the Bible.
Critical theory is a perspective in social sciences that seeks to examine and challenge established social structures and systems of power, particularly regarding issues of social inequality, oppression, and injustice. It aims to analyze and understand the underlying dynamics that perpetuate social problems and to advocate for social change and justice.
Humanity in Adam refers to the idea that all human beings are connected to Adam, the first human created by God, and inherit the effects of his sin and fallen nature. According to Christian theology, Adam's rebellion against God brought sin and brokenness into the world, resulting in the fallen state of humanity. This doctrine emphasizes the universal sinfulness and need for redemption that all human beings share.
_________________ preserves humanity from ultimate societal destruction which results from untethered pride and autonomy from God.
Common grace
General revelation
Critical theory
Humanity in Adam
1 answer