chlorpheniramin 100 ml
Lidocaine 2 oz
banana flavoring 1 tsp
Take 7 ml BID
refridgerate at 40 degree F
What is the total volume in ml?
4 answers
Don't you have a table in your text? Convert 2 fluid oz to mL and 1 tsp to mL, then add all the mL together.
Chlorpheniramine 100 ml
Lidocaine 2 oz
Banana flavoring 1 tsp
Take 7ml BID
Refrigerator medication at 40°F.
30. What is the final volume in ml?
31. Convert: 40°F = 4.4 °C
32. How many 1oz bottles will this solution fill?
33. How many days will this solution last?
34. How many total doses are in this prescription?
35. If two times the amount of Chlorpheniramine was used for this prescription, how many 4 oz bottles will the solution fill.?
Lidocaine 2 oz
Banana flavoring 1 tsp
Take 7ml BID
Refrigerator medication at 40°F.
30. What is the final volume in ml?
31. Convert: 40°F = 4.4 °C
32. How many 1oz bottles will this solution fill?
33. How many days will this solution last?
34. How many total doses are in this prescription?
35. If two times the amount of Chlorpheniramine was used for this prescription, how many 4 oz bottles will the solution fill.?
Chlorpheniramine 100 ml, lidocaine 2 oz, banana flavoring 1tsp, take 7 ml BID, how many days will this solution last?