Can't really help with this one as you know what business you are looking at and hence the rival businesses.
I would be tempted to introduce the rival businesses over a couple of slides, but very generally. Then use a separate PowerPoint slide for each of the characteristics in the second bullet point, where you compare each rival business against the characteristic.
To come to a conclusion I would score the characteristics in some way so that you can rank the businesses.
Prepare an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation evaluating the rival companies’ business competition strategies.
o Identify the type of business level strategy each firm is using and evaluate its effectiveness. Consider cost leadership, differentiation, focused cost leadership, as well as integrated cost leadership and differentiation.
o Determine the role industry competitive dynamics have in choosing those strategies.
o Reference your readings and at least two other sources, including DataMonitor 360, the Internet, or other properly cited sources.
• Format your paper according to APA standards.
1 answer