Prepare a 1,050 to 1,400-word paper in which you reflect on a challenging experience that you have encountered in either a professional or personal environment that involved significant “thinking through” or reasoning. Be sure to address the following items:
a. Describe the attitudes and assumptions that the “subject” brought into the selected experience. If anxiety, confusion, or ambivalence was experienced at the onset of the situation, attempt to account for these feelings in terms of classical conditioning principles. Similarly, attempt to account for any positive emotions brought into the experience involving reasoning.
b. In regards to the experience itself, analyze what role memory played in the processes that were involved.
c. Consider obstacles that may have occurred as the issue was “thought through” to a conclusion.
d. Speculate on what type(s) of reasoning was involved in the selected experience. Was it exclusively based on previously learned concepts and perceptions, or did it involve new learning, observational learning, or a combination of current perceptions and decisions?
e. Provide several ideas that could have enhanced the effectiveness of the reasoning process in this experience. Consider multiple intelligences and the role that memory and language played in your formulation of outcomes for this issue that was “reasoned out.”
10 answers
Those are horrible experiences. I suggest you choose the one that made you really THINK about the causes and consequences of the experience.
After the situation was over, I found that writing about the situation and what I thought and felt about it helped to reduce its emotional impact. It helped me to deal with the horrible memories.
I doubt if "all" your experiences have been horrible. However, these experiences stand out in our memories. You could also write about why you decided to go back to college or change your major to law enforcement — or any other life-changing decision.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.