Prepare 30mL of a stock KI soln by mixing 10.0mL of the 0.03M KI in 0.2M KNO3 with 20.0mL of the .2M KNO3

Determine the concentration of the iodide ion.

What does it mean by the 0.03M KI in 0.2M KNO3? Is this just bad wording of the question?
Am I just mixing the 10.0mL of .03M KI with 20.0mL .2M KNO3?

In which case my answer would be :

.03 moles KI/1L * 0.01L=0.0003 moles KI
.2 moles KNO3/1L * .02L=.004 moles KNO3

0.0003 moles I-/.03L=.01M I-

Is .01M I- correct?

1 answer

0.01 M in KI is correct. It isn't bad wording; all of the KNO3 stuff is put in there to confuse you.