Prehistory is the time before modern human beings existed. This means it refers to the period before humans developed advanced writing systems and began keeping written records. As a result, historians rely on other sources of information to study prehistoric times, such as archaeological evidence, fossils, and artifacts.
During this time, humans did not have a formal calendar system like we do today. They likely tracked time based on natural cycles, such as the movement of the sun, moon, and stars. However, without written records, the exact details of how prehistoric people marked time are not well understood.
It was only after the development of writing systems that people were able to create calendars. The earliest recorded calendars date back thousands of years, with the most famous example being the ancient Egyptian calendar. These calendars helped to organize time and track important events, such as religious ceremonies, agricultural cycles, and celestial phenomena.
With the establishment of written records and calendars, people were able to start studying and recording history. This marked a significant shift in human civilization, as it allowed for the preservation and transmission of knowledge across generations. The study of history provides insights into the development of societies, cultures, and civilizations over time.
Prehistory is the time before
Modern human begings existed
People left written records
People create a calendar’s
People begin to study history
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