Prefixes and suffixes of culture

1 answer


- Multi-: denoting multiple or many cultures, e.g., multicultural, multiculture, multiculturism
- Cross-: denoting the blending or interaction between two or more cultures, e.g., cross-cultural, cross-culture, cross-culturalism
- Inter-: denoting the interaction or connection between different cultures, e.g., intercultural, interculture, interculturism
- Trans-: denoting the transition or movement between different cultures, e.g., transcultural, transculture, transculturism
- Multi-: denoting the inclusion or representation of various cultures, e.g., multicultural, multiculture, multiculturism


- -ism: denoting a belief, doctrine, or system related to culture, e.g., multiculturalism, culturalism, interculturism
- -ity: denoting the state or quality of being cultured or having a specific culture, e.g., ethnicity, authenticity, diversity
- -al: denoting the characteristics, practices, or expressions of a particular culture, e.g., cultural, ritual, traditional
- -ure: denoting the state or condition of a culture, e.g., culturature, subculture, counterculture
- -ize: denoting the act or process of making something related to culture, e.g., globalize, westernize, homogenize