Precipitation: This process involves adding chemicals that cause contaminants to precipitate out of the water, making them easier to remove.

So how banana juice and DNA extracted will clean the acid mine drainage

1 answer

Banana juice contains high levels of antioxidants and enzymes that can help remove contaminants from water. When mixed with acid mine drainage, the antioxidants in the banana juice can chemically react with the contaminants, causing them to precipitate out of the water.

DNA extraction involves isolating the DNA from cells and can be used to clean water by binding and removing heavy metals and other contaminants. The extracted DNA can act as a natural sponge, absorbing and removing pollutants from the water.

Therefore, using banana juice and extracted DNA can potentially help clean acid mine drainage by precipitating out contaminants and absorbing pollutants, ultimately making the water cleaner and safer for the environment.