PRACTICE QUESTIONS 1)Which statement best expresses the ideas of the Scientific Revolution? (A) Religious authorities are responsible for understanding and interpreting new Information. (B) Superstition and magic are important aspects of the natural world. (C) Scientific ideas should be made to conform with existing thought systems. (D) People should use reason and experimentation to draw scientific conclusions 2)Toussaint L’Ouverture is most closely associated with leading the revolution in... (A) Mexico (B) Haiti (C) Chile (D) Venezuela 3)The primary goal of the Boxer Rebellion was to... (A) end foreign influence in China (B) introduce Marxism to East Asia (C) increase the importation of opium into China (D) reverse reforms enacted by Sun Yixian (Sun Yat-sen) 4)Which factor most influenced Japan’s expansion efforts in the 1930s and 1940s? (A)competition with Russia for territory (B) limited amount of industrial resources on Japan’s home islands (C)revenge for the bombings of Tokyo (D) a desire to reclaim territory that historically had been Japanese 5)The rise of fascism in Europe during the 1930s is directly linked to the... (A)failure to punish those responsible for “crimes against humanity” (B)increased global trade after World War I (C)development of authoritarian governments in Latin America (D)instability caused by the worldwide Depression

Not science based

Nothing about science

Not quite what the idea was about

6)Which cause of World War I can best be supported using all of these headlines as evidence? (A) militarism (B) terrorism (C) alliances (D) ultimatums 7)Capitalism is to private ownership as communism is to... (A) supply and demand (B) state control (C) laissez-faire (D) self-determination 8)The primary purpose of Joseph Stalin’s five-year plans was to... (A) increase agricultural and industrial output (B) limit the wealth of the upper class (C) increase the production of consumer goods (D) limit immigration of ethnic minorities 9)In which way did the ideas of the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution? (A) Superstition and ignorance were promoted. (B) The principles of mercantilism were glorified. (C) The divine right theory of kings was challenged. (D) Punishments for criminal acts were rooted in vengeance. 10)The Haitian Revolution and the Sepoy Rebellion happened in response to... (1) European colonial policies (2) indigenous ethnic rivalries (3) urban development (4) religious divisions

1 answer

1) People should use reason and experimentation to draw scientific conclusions.
2) Haiti.
3) End foreign influence in China.
4) A desire to reclaim territory that historically had been Japanese.
5) Instability caused by the worldwide Depression.
6) Alliances.
7) State control.
8) Increase agricultural and industrial output.
9) The divine right theory of kings was challenged.
10) European colonial policies.