
If you have not yet obtained your username and password to log in to Minecraft: Education, please click on the link titled "Minecraft Education Edition for Computer Science - Installation Guide."
Minecraft Education Edition for Computer Science - Installation Guide
In this section, you will create your own program in your own Minecraft world. Begin creating programs that use what you've learned so far:
• Create a program that uses sequences.
• Create a program that uses events.
• Create a program that uses conditional if/then statements.
• Create a program that uses loops.
• Create a program that uses variables.
Review the lessons you've already completed for ideas on how to write your own programs.
Saving Your Work
Use these steps to save your work:
1. Press the Esc button on the keyboard.

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3. Choose a name for your world and click Save.
4. Your world will now be saved and can be accessed again later.
5. Remember to save your work regularly to avoid losing any progress.