Notice this sentence in this link:
There is a trick question which goes "How many Lakes are there in the Lake District?" Some will answer 16 or 17, but the "correct" answer is "1- Bassenthwaite Lake" because all the other are waters, meres or tarns.
Posted by rfvv on Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 9:03pm.
How many lakes does the National Trust in England have? It's hard to find the information about that on the Internet. About 136 lakes or 500 lakes? Would you let me know that or the website? Thank you.
•social studies - Ms. Sue, Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 9:10pm
It looks as though the National Trust has homes and parkland, but doesn't keep track of the lakes that may be in the parks.
Thank you for your help...I made a mistake....
My question is the following.
Q) How many lakes does the Lake District have?
1 answer