posted by rfvv on Monday, August 29, 2011 at 12:18am.
1. I have three balls: one is green, another is blue, and the other is white.
2. I have three balls: one is green, a second is blue, and the third is white.
(Are both grammatical?)
3. I have three balls; one is green, another is blue, and the other is white.
4. I have three balls. One is green, another is blue, and the other is white.
(Is #3 or #4 the same as #1? Would you check the punctuation marks? Are the three expressions all grammatical?)
English - SraJMcGin, Monday, August 29, 2011 at 1:58am
1 Nd 2 are both grammatical.
3 and 4 are also grammatical.
1. I have three balls: one is green, another is blue, and the other is white.
1-1. I have three balls: One is green, another is blue, and the other is white.
2. I have three balls: one is green, a second is blue, and the third is white.
2-1. I have three balls: One is green, a second is blue, and the third is white.
(Which one is corect, 'one' or 'One'? Do we have to capitalize 'one' after 'colon' in this case?)
1 answer
(If the words following the sentence are not a sentence, then "one" would be correct, such as this -- I have three balls: green, blue, and white.)