I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: Did you know that over 1 million marine animals are killed each year due to plastic pollution in our oceans?
B. Purpose Statement: Today, I want to persuade you to join the fight against plastic pollution by reducing your use of single-use plastics.
C. Relevance: Plastic pollution has become a major environmental issue that is harming both marine life and our planet as a whole.
D. Credibility: As an environmental activist and avid ocean lover, I have seen firsthand the devastating effects of plastic pollution on our oceans.
E. Preview of Main Points: I will discuss the impact of plastic pollution on marine life, the environment, and human health, as well as provide solutions to combat this issue.
II. Main Points
A. Impact on Marine Life
1. Statistics on marine animals affected by plastic pollution
2. Examples of marine animals harmed by plastic waste
3. Importance of marine life in our ecosystem
B. Impact on the Environment
1. Effects of plastic pollution on water quality
2. Role of plastic in climate change
3. Long-term environmental consequences of plastic pollution
C. Impact on Human Health
1. Health risks associated with consuming seafood contaminated with plastic
2. Health risks of exposure to plastic chemicals
3. Importance of protecting human health by reducing plastic pollution
D. Solutions to Combat Plastic Pollution
1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
2. Support legislation to ban single-use plastics
3. Promote sustainable alternatives to plastic
III. Conclusion
A. Restate importance of reducing plastic pollution for marine life, the environment, and human health
B. Call to action for audience to make conscious choices to reduce their use of single-use plastics
C. Final plea for everyone to join the fight against plastic pollution for the sake of our planet and future generations.
Post your Persuasive Speech Expanded Outline to the discussion. Collaborate and provide feedback on multiple classmates' persuasive speeches. Remember to respond to everyone who provides you feedback.
The following items should be reviewed for clarity and focus:
main points of his/her argument
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