Post a behavioral research situation that could use a Pearson coefficient research study and a chi square research study. Present the rationale for each selection. Be very specific in your presentation

2 answers

Pearson would use two variables to find their relationship, like height and weight. Choose your own behavioral variables.

Chi square would use categories, like college majors of graduates by gender. Choose your own behavioral variables.
a behavioral research situation that could use a Pearson coefficient research study and a chi square research study. Present the rationale for each selection. Be very specific in your presentation.

When determining a correlation study, be sure and think about variables where you can show a relationship. Ask yourself: do I want to know if these variables change in a similar or inverse fashion or do I just want to know if they are different? When you want to know how the variables relate, use correlation. When you want to know if variables are different, use t-tests or ANOVA.