Portfolio Directions

A photograph shows an adolescent boy writing in a notebook.
Understanding the influences of one civilization on another can help you understand how civilizations advanced.

Choose two non-European civilizations that you studied, that developed roughly between 500 and 1500. Use your textbook to identify these civilizations. Create a timeline of significant developments and events for both civilizations. Then answer questions about each of the civilizations in the worksheet. Use the timeline and the worksheet to write a summary of the civilizations. If your civilizations had contact, your summary should tell how they influenced each other. Influences could include innovations, advancements, achievements, ideas, or cultural practices. If your civilizations did not have contact, your summary should tell how the civilizations were similar and different.

Specific Directions
Step 1: Construct a Timeline

Use the Three-Column Chart to organize events from each civilization into a timeline.

Put your name at the top of the chart.
Refer to your textbook.
Complete the timeline by filling in the time period in the left-hand column. Your timeframes may be general or specific, depending on information available.
Put the names of the civilizations you selected in the second and third columns.
You should list at least four events for each civilization. See the table below for an example.
The events in your timeline should focus on the advancements, innovations, ideas, practices, or achievements of each civilization. These events may include the following:

the development or spread of the civilization or ideas and practices from the civilization
religious ideas or cultural practices
scientific or technological inventions or advancements
agricultural or economic developments
Events on your timeline do not need to be in complete sentences.

Time Period

Civilization 1: Islamic Civilization

Civilization 2: China

around 700–800 CE

Islamic civilization develops and quickly spreads in the Middle East, Northern Africa, and Southern Europe.

The Tang dynasty rises to power and creates an effective bureaucracy.

around 800–900 CE

Islamic civilization in Spain spreads ideas into Western Europe.

A monetary economy develops, first with copper coins and then eventually with paper money.

Select the link to complete the Three-Column Chart.

hyperlink icon Three-Column Chart

Step 2 – Complete the Influential Civilizations Worksheet

After you complete your timeline, answer the questions on the Influential Civilizations Worksheet.

First, put your name at the top of the worksheet.
Next, complete parts 1 and 2 of the worksheet by providing answers to the questions. The questions are the same in parts 1 and 2, but responses will be based on your two chosen civilizations. All responses should be in complete sentences and follow conventional guidelines for spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Then, complete part 3 of the worksheet by writing a summary based on the guiding prompt in the worksheet.
Finally, complete part 4 by listing all citations used to complete your responses.
When you do your research, you may decide to use internet resources. Please use the Website Evaluation Checklist to judge the quality of each website.

Select the link to complete the Website Evaluation Checklist.

hyperlink icon Website Evaluation Checklist

Select the link to access the document APA Style: Citing Sources and Formatting. Use it to determine how to properly cite your source(s).

hyperlink icon APA Style: Citing Sources and Formatting

Select the link to complete the Influential Civilizations Worksheet.

hyperlink icon Influential Civilizations Worksheet

Select the link to access the Influential Civilizations Portfolio Rubric.

hyperlink icon Influential Civilizations Portfolio Rubric

Select the link to access the online textbook.

online textbook icon World History

1 answer

Online Textbook: World History

Step 3: Write a Summary

Using the information from your timeline and the completed worksheet, write a summary of the two civilizations you studied. If the two civilizations had contact, explain how they influenced each other in terms of innovations, advancements, achievements, ideas, or cultural practices. If there was no contact, describe how the civilizations were similar and different.

Your summary should be written in complete sentences and follow conventional guidelines for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Make sure to use the information from your timeline and worksheet to support your summary.

Step 4: Format and Citations

Format your portfolio according to the guidelines provided by the instructor or the Influential Civilizations Portfolio Rubric. Make sure to include proper citations for any sources you used, following the guidelines provided in the APA Style: Citing Sources and Formatting document.

Proofread your portfolio for any errors in spelling, grammar, or punctuation.

Step 5: Submit

Submit your completed portfolio according to the instructions given by the instructor.
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