Populations are frequently NOT in equilibrium due to selection or other evolutionary forces. Imagine a population of 100 individuals. Forty-nine of the individuals are homozygous dominant for beady-eye gene, 9 are heterozygous and 42 are homozygous recessive. NOTE: The population is NOT in equilibrium!! There are more homozygous recessive than you would predict by chance.

a. How many alleles are there in the population for ‘beady-eye gene.’ (Not just the dominant allele; all alleles for the gene – this is not a frequency or percentage – literally how many alleles are there?)
b. Howmanydominantallelesarethereinthegenepool?
(HINT: do not use Hardy-Weinberg equation – the population is not in equilibrium – you know the # of individuals of each genotype so figure out how many of each type of allele (dominant or recessive) that each person has and add them up).
c. How many recessive alleles are there in the gene pool?
d. Whatarethegenotypefrequencies(basedonthe#sabove,nottheHardy-Weinberg equilibrium)?

2 answers

You just count:
a) all allele: 100*2
b) dominant: 49*2 + 9+1
c) 9*1+42*2

check those.