Poppy Castle had a secure job and what she thought was a happy home life. Her husband then

suddenly divorced her and moved to Australia, leaving Poppy with a young child and a house
with a large mortgage. When John (my husband) left me with a child and the house to pay for,
my first thought was to give up work. How could I cope with the stress of childcare and all the
household expenses by myself? I had a relatively secure job, and some good prospects, but the
wage wasn’t that great. My friends at work, though, told me to hang in there. They felt that
because I was good at my work, I should stay put and apply for whatever help I could in the way
of benefits, and so on. I took my friends’ advice, but I began to feel stressed at both home and in
the workplace. The financial pressure was getting me down. “A chance for promotion then came
up, so I applied for it. Everyone said I should get it, but because of the stress I was under, I didn’t
prepare properly. I also didn’t pay enough attention to the questions at the interview. So, of
course, I failed. Failure of this sort doesn’t do your self-esteem any good. Still, I had to get on
with things. My friends were a great help, and so was my manager. She told me that there’d be
other chances for promotion and I’d get there in the end. “Then another problem arose in the
form of redundancy. The redundancy was a rumour, but the company was going through a rough
patch, and job losses were all that people could talk about. This upset me, because despite the
promotion knock-back, I was coming to terms with my life. The redundancy talk turned out to be
just that - talk - but I could have done without the rumours. I knew all this stress was beginning
to affect the quality of my work. I then handed in a letter of resignation to spare myself the
embarrassment of being fired. My manager advised me to take a day off and think carefully
about what I was doing. She didn’t want me to leave, and she knew that there was going to be
another opportunity for promotion within the next few weeks. After several chats with my
manager I stayed. The promotion opportunity did come again, and I did succeed the second time
round. Things are still tough financially, but with the support of workplace friends and my
manager, I’m much happier.
d. State support structures that helped Poppy through her stress

1 answer

Some state support structures that helped Poppy through her stress include:
- Benefits: Poppy applied for whatever help she could in terms of benefits, which likely provided her with financial assistance to help with childcare and household expenses.
- Job security: Despite rumors of redundancy, Poppy's manager assured her that there would be another opportunity for promotion. This likely provided a sense of stability and reassurance during a difficult time.
- Workplace support: Poppy's friends at work and her manager were a great help to her. They provided emotional support, advice, and reassurance during her difficult period.