Pls how can I carry out qualitative analysis on iron 11 ammonium sulphate hexahydrate (NH4)2SO4.FeSO4.6H2O in a secondary school laboratory?

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Put some sample of the salt in a dry test tube, and heat. You will observed that water vapour is giving out which turn white copper sulphate blue. That shows that the salt contain some water of crystalization.
Add distilled(5cm3) water to some of the sample into a test tube and test it blue litmus paper. You will observed that d paper will turn red indecating that the solution is acidic
add view drops of NaOH solution to the solution of the salt. You wil observed a dirty green ppt which is insoluble in excess NaOH. This confirm the present of iron II.........
Heat the salt in a clean dry test tube,vapour would be evolved which later codenze at the cool surface of the tube showing that the salt contain water of crystallization. Add abt 5cm3 of water to a small quantity of the salt shak it will dissolve and the it will blue litmus red.Divide the solution into 2,to d a portion add NaOH a dirty green ppt is formed indicating the presence of Fe2+ then heat the mixture a clouless gas with chocking smell wich turns red litmus blue is evolved.leave d mixture for abt 5min it turn brown idicating that Fe2+ has turn to confirm d presence of d second portion add BaCl a white ppt is formed SO42+,So32+, Co32+ is present then add dil HCl d ppt dissolved idicating So42+
Heat the salt in a clean dry test tube,vapour would be evolved which later codenze at the cool surface of the tube showing that the salt contain water of crystallization. Add abt 5cm3 of water to a small quantity of the salt shak it will dissolve and the it will blue litmus red.Divide the solution into 2,to d a portion add NaOH a dirty green ppt is formed indicating the presence of Fe2+ then heat the mixture a clouless gas with chocking smell wich turns red litmus blue is evolved . This indicate the present of an alkaline gas NH3 from NH4 +.
If the mixture is left for abt 5min it turns brown idicating that Fe2+ has turn to confirm d presence of Fe3+ formed from the oxidation of Fe2+. To d second portion is added BaCl aq a white ppt is formed. This indicate that SO42-,So32-, Co32- is present
then add dil HCl to d ppt. It is observed that the ppt remain insoluble idicating that So42- is present