0 < 1/9 < 1/4, so it rounds to 0
1/2 < 14/27 < 3/4, so it rounds to 1/2
pls help round to the nearest 1/2. 1/9, 14/27.
41 answers
is steve correct
Okay, first of all, 1/9 rounded to the nearest 1/2 would be 0. I've got no explanation for that. Second of all, 14/27 rounded to the nearest 1/2 wound be 1/2, I've got no explanation for that either. Third of all, if you are a Connexus student, the answers would be:
1.) A
2.) B
3.) D
4.) B
5.) A
6.) B
7.) C
8.) B
9.) B
10.) A
11.) C
Check you answers with these and please do not cheat. Hope this helps!
Check out the moon tonight too!!
1.) A
2.) B
3.) D
4.) B
5.) A
6.) B
7.) C
8.) B
9.) B
10.) A
11.) C
Check you answers with these and please do not cheat. Hope this helps!
Check out the moon tonight too!!
How can 3 be D and you have 3 answer choices
is lunar right??
Yes, she is. But like she said, do not use her answers for cheating, only to check your answers first.
Lunar is 100% CORRECT 😁
Yeah I'm cheating😂😂😂
what is 3
the answers are
1.) A
2.) B
3.) C
4.) B
5.) A
6.) B
7.) C
8.) B
9.) B
10.) A
11.) C
1.) A
2.) B
3.) C
4.) B
5.) A
6.) B
7.) C
8.) B
9.) B
10.) A
11.) C
lunar number 3 is c im not mad because I put c so I got all of them right, but all the other ones are right its just that one that is wrong but its nothing wrong just helping other people. but yeah ITS C FOR NUMBER 3
Thanks to Lunar, and ELYJAH.
I'm sorry. If I read your name I'm what? All I see is, If u read my name ur h... I do not like not being able to read people's names. It is one of the most annoying things. I know it seems girly. And that is because, I am a girl. I need to read these things.
I'm sorry. If I read your name I'm what? All I see is, If u read my name ur h... I do not like not being able to read people's names. It is one of the most annoying things. I know it seems girly. And that is because, I am a girl. I need to read these things.
Thanks guys!
Thank e i got a 100 ty
i got all of them right without cheating
i got a 100%
100% w/ @Lunar tysm!
sorry if im letting you down lunar, im cheating, noone can stop me from doin it, just like noone can STAP MEH FROM MAKIN MY HECCIN MAC AND CHEESE
Answers are still relevant for 2020, do not fear and use them! I just got done with test. Thanks to the ones who wrote down the answers, I got a 100! truly, thank you.
i need help so i do not chet i look and try to find out how you got the answer
Thanks Lunar and Elyjah, I checked my answers and you both were a great help to me on catching my mistakes. I can see where I went wrong after looking at your answers.
E is 1000% right
Thanks! But uhh Lunar before posting anything please double check, Thanks E, oh and btw if your checking answers just check them and leave because complaining of "cheating" is just dumb, we come on this website to check our answers or maybe other reasons, so don't waste your time giving out a speech about cheating, its not going to work, Peace out!
Ty guys! Also I promise I was just double checking my answers I hate cheating ☺️
u lied to mi lunar! :( u let mi down.
thanks eligja for your help
totally used to check my anwsers hehehhehehehehe :)
Im cheating off of lunar and i do not care :| i aint checking my answers u aint the boss, if u want us to check r answers then what is this website made for??? to check answer? no, its to get answers because these connexus teacher dont provide help and all they talk abt when we in live lesson is something we completely dont understand and we have to get help by r parents so thats what we have to go through, SO WE AINT CHECKING ARE ANSWERS WE WILL BE CHEATING OF @LUNAR AND IF U GOT A PROBLEM W/ THAT THEN EAT DONALD TRUMP'S BUTT
we will be cheating and if u got a problem then u need sum water
Thx ELYJAH hehe
Donald Trump is the bomb I don’t know what you’re talking about
@conuxxus girl, I feel bad for you and your household standards but trump is not a good person!!!!
ELYJAH is right 100%
tysm @Lunar! num.3 is indeed c but thanks for the other answers! im also cheating like @Animeweeb and @tha kids club stop bragging if u got them right without cheating, y r u here? yes, yes ik some people come to check answers here but i feel like u meant w/out any help at all God bless u all! U3U *kiss* UwU
@I'm a bi bih U-U.exe has logged off
@I'm a bi bih U-U.exe has logged off
Spinel from su is 100% right. Lunar is all correct except i think she messed up typing on 3. There are only 3 answer choices and no D. If you see D. on lunar's post, just choose C. on the test.
@Dustin Craig is bad was the MAC AND CHEESE GOOD?
guys first you answer the question yourselves an then use this place to check our work
Thank you @Lunar I used your answers just to check, sometimes my brain is dumb :V
-@Trasformers: BumbleBee
-@Trasformers: BumbleBee
oops i men't - @ Transformers: BumbleBee
I had to only change 2 and I'm dumb this is very surprising to me oh and Luar is right ✅️