Pls, can someone review this for me? It's my college essay, I'm not done though.
Where I come from, there are a lot of homeless people and beggars on the street. This doesn’t mean that there are no rich people or we are all suffering, it just means that majority of the country lives in poverty. I live in Africa, Lagos Nigeria to be precise and I love helping people; it hurts me to see someone in pain all the time. I don’t understand how people can just walk past beggars on the streets, especially children. Don’t you feel sad for them? They don’t have the privilege of a lot of things you have, that’s why we have to be grateful for everything we have. Even though I don’t have much, I manage to give them the little I have when I see them. Every Sunday, on our way back from church there’s a particular spot where some children stay to beg, I always give them the snacks given to us in church, because as small as it is, it could be their only meal for the day.
Some of them have parents, some do not. The ones that have parents are sent to beg on the streets by their parents. It’s sad that the people supposed to protect you send you out into the streets to beg at such a young age. Even though they don’t have the money to take care of you it’s better they send you to an orphanage to be taken care of, rather than begging on the streets where anything could happen to you. The older children come out at night to rob people and that increases the crime rate greatly. My mum always tells me to ignore them and not give them anything when they come to our car in traffic because some of them use the money for drugs. I still feel bad for them though.
My school holds a club every Saturday, where seniors volunteer to teach public school children. I'm one of them, i wouldn't say teaching is easy, but it makes me happy seeing them finally understand a topic they've been struggling with. In Nigeria, the public schools aren’t so good, exam malpractice occurs a lot and the teachers are absent most of the time. So it's left to us to help them excel in school. I teach there every Saturday, but due to the lockdown we had to stop for a year and a half. We continued when the lockdown was lifted though. Teaching children who can’t even speak English well is tough, you just have to be patient and nice to them. I also help out in the children’s department in my church, when the teacher is late or absent I make sure they’re all in order and calm. I help in sharing of snacks to them, calming down the little ones when they cry for their mother.
Honestly, I think people need to start helping each other or else we’ll never improve. It should start from family.