Please someone I need help please asap today! Please and thank you so much!.
Like Beowulf, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a hero story. Readers will see many characteristics of an epic in this story, but does this mean that Gawain is a true epic hero? Think about heroes like Beowulf, modern heroes, or who you consider a true hero. Then think about Sir Gawain’s actions, thoughts, and words. Do you think Sir Gawain is or is not a true hero?
In your response, you must explain why Gawain is or is not a hero, and use at least 2 pieces of textual evidence from the text to support your ideas.
1 answer
First of all, how are you defining "epic hero"? If you're not clear on that, look it up now. Don't go any further until you have this definition (which should include certain character traits) firmly in your mind.