Please someone check this paragraph for me .
The Pseudolus is a tricky slave .Even his master‘s son named Callidorus need his help. Callidorus is wealthy lovesick young man but unfortunately he depend on pseudolus‘s ideas to get his young salve girl friend , named Phoenicium . "Help me: what should I send this man / To stop my girl from going on sale?"
He is wealthy man but he has no power he gave all authority to his family servant. Callidorus ‘s character shows that he wealthy may not always be powerful and intelligence . It is amazing how pseudolus is controlling the other charachters in the play by using his cunning manner.
It is able to be appreciating that how Pseudolus complete all tasks by his intelligence. I think being a salve, no one can dare to compete powerful and wealthy authorities. But he did .He wins the bet with simo and he also gets the girl .As well as about the Ballio and Callidorus, it is good example that power and wealth have a potential to be corrupt and power can’t get succeeds all the time .It is the intelligence which can defeat the powerful man too like the pseudolus did.