Please select one of the following thesis statements:
1. America's top corporations are successful for a variety of reasons.
2. Scientists have discovered human remains thought to be more than 2 million years older than Lucy, a skeleton found in Ethiopia.
3. A healthful diet and regular exercise will not only improve health but also lower health care costs.
Answer the following regarding the thesis you chose:
What kinds of supporting paragraphs (examples, details, definitions, analysis, division and classification, process analysis, comparison-contrast, cause-effect, argument) are appropriate to support this topic? Explain your answer.
Respond to classmates' posts by asking for more information if you disagree with or do not understand a response. Be specific in your request.
1 answer
We are not going to do your work for you. You could start by learning to spell the name of your 'university' and listing the subject of your question. Then choose a theses statement from among the trhee suggested. Then research the topic.