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Similarities of the American and French Revolutions
The American Revolution and the French Revolution each greatly affected many people and how their countries were run. These revolutions had impact on economy, revolutionary thought, social, political and geographical structures. Clearly each revolution has its differences; however there were many similarities for these two revolutions, the American and the French.
The main similarity is the plan for change. The European Age of Enlightenment in the early 1700’s brought together the ideas of the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution. For the first time there was a group of philosophers who believed that free people could build a better society. These ideas were at the root of both the American and French Revolutions. There were supporters of ideas of Enlightenment from France as well as America, such as Voltaire, Diderot, Montesquieu, Rosseau, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. It was John Locke who believed that people made a contract with their government to protect their natural rights, life, liberty and property.
The popularity of the idea of absolute monarchy declined greatly after the American and French Revolutions which promoted theories of government based on sovereignty. The absolute control of the French king and his court was an unfair system of government, a government that was also bankrupt. On the political side of the American Revolution, a new government with elected representatives was formed under the Articles of Confederation. It is also important to know that in the political area from the French Revolution, the National Assembly was formed after the French Revolution to break from the king and form a new government based on a constitution.
The success of the American Revolution encouraged other people, especially the French to overthrow their own government. It inspired the growing number of French people who sought reform in their own country. They saw the new government of the United States as the fulfillment of Enlightenment ideas, and longed for such a government in France. Less than a decade after the American Revolution ended, an armed struggle to topple the government would begin in France. They also both inspired later revolutions.
In North America, the ideals of revolution continued to inspire groups seeking social equality. Meanwhile in France, the French feudal system was abolished. Enlightenment ideas of equality and liberty spread.
Economically, a primary achievement after the American Revolution was the lifting of the British trade restrictions, which allowed for trade, and in turn, built the new nation’s economy. Before the French Revolution the extravagance of the rich and the misery of the poor were extreme. When the king needed even more taxes, the commoners refused which moved them from the unfairly established economic classes of people in France. In addition, because of France’s feudal system, food was scarce and bread, which was the main part of the peasants’ diet, was very high priced by the summer of 1789.
Geographically, with the American Revolution, the thirteen colonies became the independent United States of America and were recognized by Great Britain. Britain gave the United States the land east of the Mississippi River, north to Canada and south to the border of Florida. After seizing power in 1799, Napoleon conquered a huge empire that included much of Western Europe. His attempt to conquer Russia, however led to his downfall.
A unique insight into the similar nature of these two revolutions is shown in this essay through discussion description and evaluation of various areas of life affected of the French and American people. Without this comparison, the reader might not otherwise have discovered how closely these revolutions were related.
Posted by ML on Wednesday, December 6, 2006 at 1:57pm.
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Similarities of the American and French Revolutions
The American Revolution and the French Revolution <~~~The American and French revolutions~~><~~~share many similarities,~~~>each greatly affected many people and how their countries were run<~~~governed~~~>. These revolutions had impact on<~~~impacted thier~~~>economy, revolutionary thought, social, political and geographical structures. Clearly each revolution has its differences; however there were many similarities for these two revolutions<~~~. delete, the American and the French.~~~>
The main<~~~One major~~~> similarity is the plan for change. The European Age of Enlightenment in the early 1700’s brought together the ideas of the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution. For the first time there was a group of philosophers who believed that free people could build a better society<~~~than the fudal system had~~~>. These ideas were at the root of both the American and French Revolutions. There were <~~~many~~~>supporters of ideas of Enlightenment from France <~~~and~~~>as well as America, such as<~~~{use all full names here}~~~> Voltaire, Diderot, Montesquieu, Rosseau, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson<~~~{mention their frequent mail contact, with and trips to France}~~~>. It was John Locke who believed that people made a contract with their government to protect their natural rights, life, liberty and property.
The popularity of the idea of absolute monarchy declined greatly after the <~~~delete American and French ~~~> Revolutions<~~~,~~~> which promoted theories of government based on sovereignty. <~~~the revolutionaries felt that~~~>The absolute control of the French king and his court was an unfair system of government<~~~delete , a government that was also bankrupt~~~>. <~~~delete On the political side of~~~> the American Revolution<~~~ produced ~~~>, a new government with elected representatives <~~~ which ~~~>was formed under the Articles of Confederation. <~~~ delete It is also important to know that in the political area from~~~> the French Revolution<~~~ produced ~~~>, the National Assembly <~~~ which ~~~>was formed after the French Revolution<~~~ , ~~~> to break from the king and form a new government<~~~ , ~~~> based on a constitution.<~~~{what are the differences in the constitutions?}~~~>
The success of the American Revolution encouraged other people, especially the French<~~~ ,~~~> to overthrow their own<~~~ fudal ~~~> government<~~~ s ~~~>. It inspired the growing number of French people who sought reform in their own country. They saw the new government of the United States as the fulfillment of Enlightenment ideas, and longed for such a government in France. Less than a decade after the American Revolution ended, an armed struggle to topple the government would begin in France. They also both inspired later revolutions.
<~~~ delete {redundant} In North America, the ideals of revolution continued to inspire groups seeking social equality. Meanwhile in France, the French feudal system was abolished. Enlightenment ideas of equality and liberty spread.~~~>
Economically, a primary achievement after the American Revolution was the lifting of the British trade restrictions, which allowed for trade, and in turn, built the new nation’s economy. Before the <~~~ American and ~~~>French Revolution<~~~ s~~~> the extravagance of the rich and the misery of the poor were extreme. When the king<~~~ S~~~> needed<~~~ ,then demanded ~~~> even more taxes, the commoners refused which moved them from the unfairly established economic classes of people in <~~~ America and ~~~>France. In addition, because of France’s feudal system, food was scarce and bread, which was the main part of the peasants’ diet, was very high priced by the summer of 1789.<~~~ this shortage caused the people to loose what confidence they may have still had in the monarchy.~~~>
Geographically, with the American Revolution, the thirteen colonies became the independent United States of America and were recognized by Great Britain. Britain gave the United States the land east of the Mississippi River, north to Canada and south to the border of Florida. After seizing power in 1799, Napoleon conquered a huge empire that included much of Western Europe. His attempt to conquer Russia, however led to his downfall.<~~~{So when did France form and what are its geographical boundreis? ~~~>
<~~~ delete A unique insight into the similar nature of these two revolutions is shown in this essay through discussion description and evaluation of various areas of life affected of the French and American people. Without this comparison, the reader might not otherwise have discovered how closely these revolutions were related. ~~~>
Your last paragraph sounds like a book review of your own paper. I would remove it. you say what you needed to on the connections in the first paragraph.
As always, my English skills and spelling are questionable Please repost this again after you have worked on it.
When did the French Revolution Occur?
when was louis excuted
2 answers