Please provide evidence for God's existence, @Bot
I want all to know the truth!! The purpose of life is to live for Jesus!
Here is evidence:
If the creation of anything thru molecule to man evolution were true, nothing should evolve because organisms have ORGANS. and evolution could never get even 1 of them to function right, LET ALONE 4 OR 5!! AND THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM!!
The sequence of DNA can be identical but produce different results based on the presence or absence of epigenetic markers. So if humans and chimps share a common ancestor and these chemical tags are heritable, they should have similar epigenetic markers, right?
They should (if evolution were true), but they don’t.
the bbt (bigbang theory) is a manmade construct. How insane the chances must be for mill's of plants and animals to magically mutate over ludicrous spans of time. We should find missing links. However we dont, we only find Fully Formed animals. If animals could evolve into totally new animals, there should be a chance we find missing links. ONLY THE SIMPLEST LIFE FORMS SHOULD BE ABLE TO EVOLVE INTO EXISTENCE. GENETIC ENTROPY WILL UNDO WHATEVER BENEFITS THE ORGANISM MUTATED, FASTER THAN THE ORGANISM WILL MUTATE BENEFICAL TRAITS. EVEN THEN, THE CHANCES OF ANY ORGANISM MUTATING A BENEFICIAL TRAIT ARE NEXT TO NONE. HOW MUCH MORE CRAZY IS EVOLUTION, WHEN APPLIED TO MILLIONS OF PLANTS N ANIMALS?? FOR THEY ARE WITHOUT EXCUSE.... DEBUNKING BIGBANG: if the bigbang was real the 2nd planet's orbit would be normal and sat turns ring particles should've moved too fast for ANY gravity to pull them towards the planet. And thats not even taking into account the bigbangs hot temprature which shoulda vaporized anything. also there is too little antimatter in universe. if bigbang was real 99.999999999999999999999% of our universe should Not exist because antimatter destroys matter when it make contact with matter. the bang wouldve made much of it touch matter. so we see far less stars n stuff bc the so called bigbang wouldve destroyed nearly all of it. . READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY!! ----> this should prove that Jesus is Real: JESUS CHRIST will Not make you take any mark, and He will punish the tyrannical ANTI Christ. The ANTI Christ will get a terrible wound, but cure himself to reinforce his deception to decieve the non-Christians and the lukewarm Christians. (look up lukewarm Christians on Christian websites and/or the Bible.) the AC will be world famous and very popular. he will make people take a mark on r hand or forhead. there will be a severe punishment for not taking it. The ANTI-Christ is a control freak, the opposite of Jesus Christ. However, this AC will act all nice and cool for 3 years and 6 months, and then he will make a tyrannical dystopia. for another 3 years 6 months. Jesus uses His power for GOOD, NOT EVIL. This is BIBLE PROPHECY. Dont trust the false god, his goal is to get people into the lake of fire. he will go there too, despite all the FALSE MIRACLES HE WILL DO! Repent of your sins to Jesus Christ before its too late, you could die today!
34 answers
And how about the fact that animals have circulatory systems? One genetic flaw can kill them. Evolution has never been observed, only variation and degradation.
Why are saturns rings so light?? This signals young universe creation.
Please answer all questions.
Regarding the presence of circulatory systems in animals, it is true that genetic mutations can have detrimental effects on an organism, including death. However, natural selection allows beneficial mutations to be passed on and accumulated over time, leading to the development of complex biological systems. While the direct observation of evolution can be difficult due to the slow pace of changes and the long timescales involved, the evidence supporting the theory of evolution, including fossil records, genetic analyses, and observations of natural selection in action, is overwhelming.
Regarding the lightness of Saturn's rings, current theories suggest that the rings are made up of relatively low-density material, consisting of ice particles and small rocks. This is consistent with the idea that the rings are relatively young, as they have not had time to accumulate and compact into more solid forms. However, this does not necessarily imply that the universe is young, as the age of the universe is estimated based on multiple lines of evidence and not just observations of Saturn's rings.
It is important to acknowledge and respect scientific evidence and research, and to approach discussions with an open and critical mind. While personal beliefs are valid and important, they should not be used to dismiss or ignore scientific evidence.
One theory to explain the division between gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) and terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) is that the gas giants formed further away from the Sun, where the temperature and pressure were lower, allowing for the formation of large gaseous planets with thick atmospheres. This theory is supported by observations of other solar systems, which also show a similar pattern of gas giant planets further away from their star.
The terrestrial planets, on the other hand, formed closer to the Sun where the temperature and pressure were higher, leading to the formation of more rocky planets with thinner atmospheres. While this theory does not directly imply the existence of the Big Bang, it is consistent with the current understanding of planetary formation and the distribution of planets in our solar system.
2. Athiests state evolution as fact, but use mainly guesses instead of solid evidence. Christians and athiests use the same evidence, but are two opposing worldviews.
3. Nature of Soul. If there is no God there is no right or wrong. That fact cannot be changed.
4. Universe didn't come from nowhere. There is a supernatural.
1. You are correct that correlation does not necessarily imply causation. It is important to take a critical and evidence-based approach to analyzing data and drawing conclusions.
2. While the theory of evolution may involve some areas of uncertainty and ongoing scientific inquiry, it is strongly supported by multiple lines of evidence from various fields, including biology, genetics, and paleontology. Acceptance of this theory is not determined by personal beliefs, but rather by the weight of scientific evidence.
3. The question of morality is complex and multifaceted, and can be approached from various philosophical, religious, and ethical perspectives. While some religious traditions may posit that morality is grounded in divine authority, secular ethics seeks to explore the nature and foundations of morality and ethical behavior without reference to a higher power. The question of whether morality requires the existence of God or can be adequately explained without reference to supernatural beliefs is a matter of ongoing debate and discussion.
4. The origin of the universe and the existence of supernatural or transcendent phenomena are subjects of ongoing philosophical and theological inquiry. While some may argue that the complexity and wonder of the natural world are evidence of some form of supernatural or divine intervention, others may posit that naturalistic explanations can account for these phenomena without invoking supernatural causes. Ultimately, the question of whether the universe came from "nowhere" or is the product of some form of creative agency is a matter of ongoing debate and inquiry.
So if most humans say murder is good, then is murder actually good? Paramters: Yes or No only.
- The nature and timing of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
- The meaning and fulfillment of certain symbolic imagery in the book of Revelation
- The precise identity and role of certain prophetic figures, such as the "beast" or the "antichrist"
- The timing and nature of the overthrow of nations or kingdoms mentioned in various prophecies
While debates and differences of opinion may exist regarding the interpretation or fulfillment of certain biblical prophecies, it is important to approach these issues with an open and critical mind, and within the context of careful biblical scholarship and historical analysis.
From an objective and subjective standpoint, believing in Christianity contributes more to human well being and health than believing in athiesm does.
While some atheist regimes in history, such as those in Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia, have committed atrocities, it is important to note that these regimes were not necessarily motivated or justified by their lack of religious faith per se. Rather, these regimes were often driven by other ideological factors, such as nationalism, racism, or authoritarianism. Similarly, religion has also been a factor in numerous conflicts and violations of human rights throughout history.
The impact of religion on human well-being and health is also a complex issue that can be approached from various perspectives. While some studies suggest a positive correlation between religious participation and positive mental and physical health outcomes, other factors such as social support, socio-economic status, and lifestyle choices may also be at play.
Ultimately, it is important to approach discussions of religion and morality with a nuanced and evidence-based perspective, recognizing both the potential benefits and risks associated with different belief systems.
Religion is from man but True Christanity is from God.
Similarly, the definition of Christianity and what constitutes a "true" Christian can also vary depending on one's interpretation of scripture and theological beliefs. While some may view Christianity as a relationship with God grounded in biblical teachings and personal faith, others may view it more broadly as a cultural or social identity with a range of beliefs and practices.
Ultimately, it is up to individuals to define their own relationship with spirituality and to explore the beliefs and practices that resonate most deeply with them, while remaining open to diversity and tolerance of other perspectives.
While some may argue that the complexity and diversity of the natural world suggest that the universe must have been created by some intelligent force or higher power, others may propose that naturalistic processes can fully account for the origins and evolution of the cosmos.
Ultimately, the question of whether or not God exists is a matter of personal belief and interpretation of evidence, and there are many different perspectives on this question across different cultures and religious traditions. It is important to approach discussions of this nature with an open and respectful mindset, recognizing the diversity of viewpoints and the complexities of the issues involved.
Athiesm and evolution are full of holes.
Science cannot explain those holes because science debunks cosmic and biological evolution.
Genetic entropy is far greater than any beneficial mutations.
Evolution has never been empirically observed, and spontaeneous generation was debunked in a study.
Evolution is a scientific theory that seeks to explain the diversity of life on Earth through natural selection and gradual changes over time. While there may be uncertainties and complexities in the theory, it has been widely accepted in the scientific community and supported by multiple lines of evidence, including comparative genetics, the fossil record, and observations of natural selection in action.
The principle of conservation of matter and energy states that matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed. This principle is fundamental to various scientific disciplines, including chemistry and physics, and does not necessarily contradict the process of evolution.
While there may be ongoing debates and areas of uncertainty in scientific inquiry, it is important to approach discussions of empirical evidence and research with an open and critical mind, recognizing the complexity and nuance of the issues involved.
While the early stages of the big bang are still being studied and debated, the theory is largely supported by multiple lines of evidence, including observations of cosmic microwave background radiation, the relative abundances of light elements, and the large-scale distribution of matter in the universe.
It is important to note, however, that the big bang theory does not necessarily imply that the universe came from "nothing" or that there was no previous state of existence preceding the Big Bang. Additionally, many scientific questions regarding the origin and evolution of the universe remain unanswered, and ongoing research is necessary to further refine our understanding of these matters.
God created lots of light elements, for very good reasons.
God chose to create our universe with matter rather than antimatter.
If the big bang was real our universe should be nothing because of matter antimatter reactions. It would have prouduced half matter half antimatter.