please proofread my contrast and comparision paper
Another War for the People of the United States
Although the Air Force, Navy, and Army were different in the 1940's and the 200's show that, even though technology and communication have improved, conflicts between other contries is still a problem.
In the first place radar was used for similar reasons in the 1940's and again in the 2000's. During the 40's, the Royal Air Force depended on the radar because it alerted them that enemy aircraft was in the vicinity. During that time radar systems used steel masts to emit radio signals. In this case the signals bounced off enemy planes and were picked up by radar receivers. During the past decade, Air Force planes have had the ability to shoot the beam from its laser designator to a targeted helicopter and boldly drop a “smart bomb” directly on the helicopter ( Allen, Berry, & Polmar 20). Recently the Hornets, each carrying four 2,000 pound bombs were used for one of the war’s first daylight strikes. They were confident they could get a radar lock up to a distance of ten miles (Allen, Berry, &Palmer 126). Even though today our bombs are much more destructive, bombs were also used in the 40's. Determined people used cans to assemble mortar bombs and bottles to make gasoline bombs and grenades.
During the 2000 war, the number of coalition losses with numbers more than 1,000 sorties flown was absolutely remarkable amounting to a loss rate of four-tenths of one percent. During WW II it was considered good when the bomber loss was five percent or less. (Allen, Berry, & Polmer p. 121).
The aircraft, F-15 Eagle Fighters and E-3 Sentry, were flying radar stations that provided long- range surveillance of the enemies air space. Air controllers that were part of the Airborne Warning and Control System could direct defensive fighters so they could intercept enemy aircraft that was approaching. (Allen, Berry & Polmer p.93)
There is a difference in the Navy’s role during these eras. Today, the US Navy weapon specialists huddle over computer screens as their ships quickly move down the Gulf. The specialists are entering target codes into computers that gather geographic data into Tomahawk missiles. Digital maps of terrain and images of targets hundreds of miles away are stored in these microcomputers.(Allen, Berry, & Polmar 115). All the crewmen abroad these cruisers, battleships, and destroyers anxiously wait for their orders that need to be carried out in an efficient manner. In contrast, during the 1940's two people were needed to fire the gun, one person aimed the gun and it was the other person’s job to fire the gun. Normally a group of guns would be firing in a specific pattern towards the enemies planes in the sky.
The age of the soldiers in the army varied quite drastically during the 1940's and 2000's. During the 40's, there was a draft and the majority of soldiers were young men that ranged in age from seventeen to nineteen years old. In contrast, during the 2000's, the typical soldier in active duty as well as from a reserve unit was about 27 years old. It could be a man or a woman that was most likely married and had children. (Allen, Berry, & Polmer p.112).
During both time periods, conflicts over oil caused wars between different countries. Japan’s ambitious goal during the 1940's was to become a huge economic empire with unlimited supplies of oil and other raw materials. President Bush and his administration were focused on America’s oil interests in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia in the 2000's (Allen, Berry, & Polmar p 83)
A US soldier preparing to fight in Iraqi had to wear a protective mask and smock in 100 degree Fahrenheit Saudi weather to fight against the threat posed by the chemical weapons (Allen, Berry, and Polmer p. 86) In the 1940's all gasses were banned from being used during a war.
Rommel, commander of the German Afrika Korps was known as the Desert Fox. “US military, aircraft, and troops in Saudi Arabia was given the code name ‘Desert Fox.” (Allen, Berry, & Polmer p. 74). During the 1940's the Mediterranean port of Tobruk located in eastern Libya was some of the worst fighting of the desert war.
Although the Air Force, Navy, and Army were different in the 1940's and the 2000's show that even though technology and communication have improved, conflict between other counties is still a problem.