Please post a 150-300-word response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply.

Read the following discussion question response written by Owen, a fictional Axia

student. Identify areas of vagueness and ambiguity and discuss how you could clarify the

email’s message using the writing principles addressed in the text.

Hi class,

I don’t have a lot of time to explain but off the top of my head answer is as a reader

critical thinking affects me all ways. Not just reading but writing too. Sometimes what I

read I must write about later like this discussion question so clearly I have to read. Clear

writing is the hardest thing in the world.

Though I don’t the average writer has to write business rapports which can build report

and be inter personal. In critical writing, writers construct sentences with clear intentions.

Business people write fast because the business people I know are always in a hurry.

Business reading is reports, memos and articles. My aunt is a university professor and

she writes articles for journals. She is smart and a better writer than my uncle who is a

businessman. So critical writers are better than business writers. But critical writing like

argumentative essays have structure, so business writing has structure too. It’s not a

matter of one kind of writing being harder than the other it’s that the structure is harder.

1 answer

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