h t t p s :// literary-devices.com/
Go here and look up "tone" in the left column. Make sure you are clear on what "tone" means and how to recognize it.
Then read lots of the works you've been given and make notes about tone in each work.
Only then will you be able to start planning … and then writing.
Please please help me on this. I’m confused by it.
The poetry you read throughout this unit presents different views of love. Focusing on the tone of the poetry you read, comment on the interpretation of love in Shakespeare’s sonnets, Donne’s “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”, and Jonson’s “Song: To Celia”.
Anything would help.
3 answers
Thank you Anonymous. I was confused by this question.
Just hope you’re not my teacher lol
Just hope you’re not my teacher lol
Can anybody else help?