please organize these into a paragraph

;astronaauts supposed to rest for eight hours, but too excited to rest
;astronauts easily hopped high because moon has less gravity than earth
;opened spaceship door 61/2 hours after landing
;brought back to earth some moon rocks and soil
;tv camera turned on so world could watch
;before leaving spaceship, astronauts took three hours to put on space equipment
;armstrong got got out first
;on airless moon, their foot prints probably still remain
;armstrong said moon surface powdery
;left behind on moon camera,backpacks,tools
;aldrin described view as magnificent desolation

2 answers

is it
astronauts supposed to rest for eight hours but to excited to rest before leaving spaceship, astronauts took three hours to put on space equipment tv camera turned on so world could watch opened spaeship door 61/2 hours after landing armstrong got out first astrounauts easily hopped high because moon has less gravity than earth armstrong said moon surface powdery aldrin described view as magnificent desolation on airless moon,their footprints probably still remain let behind on moon cameras,backpacks, tools brought backto earth some moon rocks and soil
mrs sue is this right