Please my fellow teachers I need a good presentation for nursery 2.

1 answer

Here is a sample presentation for Nursery 2:

Topic: Animals and Their Young


Good morning, boys and girls! Today, we are going to learn about animals and their young. We will discover how different animals take care of their babies and what they are called. Are you ready to learn?


1. Mammals

Mammals are animals that give birth to live young. Some examples of mammals and their babies are:

- Cow and calf
- Cat and kitten
- Dog and puppy
- Elephant and calf

2. Birds

Birds are animals that lay eggs. Some examples of birds and their babies are:

- Chicken and chick
- Duck and duckling
- Goose and gosling
- Eagle and eaglet

3. Reptiles

Reptiles are animals that lay eggs too. Some examples of reptiles and their babies are:

- Turtle and hatchling
- Snake and snakelet
- Lizard and hatchling

4. Insects

Insects are animals that lay eggs too. Some examples of insects and their babies are:

- Ant and larva
- Butterfly and caterpillar
- Bee and pupa


Now you know that different animals have different ways of taking care of their babies. You also learned what the babies of different animals are called. Let's have a quiz to see how much you have learned today!